Hogwarts Legacy Best House to Choose, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff
As every Harry Potter fan knows, there are four Houses at Hogwarts. These are – Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. Each Hogwarts student has to join one of these houses, and the protagonist of Hogwarts Legacy is no different. But which House to choose? Since this is a permanent choice that is going to affect the rest of your game, it’s not an easy decision to make. So what is the best House to choose in Hogwarts Legacy – Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff? We are going to describe each House and explain the differences between them so that you can make the best possible choice for you and your gameplay preferences.

Best House to Choose in Hogwarts Legacy – Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff Option?
First, let’s see what each Hogwarts House is known for. Gryffindor is without a doubt the most famous house, as it is the one that Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger belonged to. Gryffindor students are known for their bravery. Next up, Slytherin. The House that produced the most Dark Wizards, it naturally gets a bad rep. However, choosing Slytherin doesn’t mean that you are evil, just very ambitious and dedicated to becoming more powerful. If you want to play as a bookish and intellectual Witch or Wizard, then Ravenclaw is going to be the perfect House for you. And, finally, Hufflepuff. This House is regarded for the sweetness of its students, many of which show great aptitude for the care of magical creatures and plants.
So when it comes to the Sorting Hat, which House should you pick in HL? Well, the best answer here is to select the House that you like the most, especially if you are role-playing a particular kind of character in Hogwarts Legacy. Note, however, that you won’t be able to change your House once you have selected it. Each House has its own Common Room, its own uniform, and several unique early game quests. But don’t worry, the majority of the storyline is the same no matter which House you belong to, so you won’t end up being locked out of any important content.