Halo Infinite Co-Op Campaign Release Date
The Halo Infinite co-op campaign release date has been a matter of some concern to players that want to experience the game’s story with friends. Well, while that feature is still coming, the developers have decided to move its launch for a few months. Long story short, do not expect to play the campaign with other people until next summer. If you want to know more details on why this happened, well, let’s dive straight into it.

When Will Co-Op be Available in Halo Infinite
The co-op campaign in Halo Infinite doesn’t have an exact release date, but we know it will be available somewhere around the time when Season 2 begins. Originally, the game’s first season was supposed to last three months, meaning that you would get to play the campaign with your friends some time in March, or maybe February. Whatever the case may be, the developers have actually decided to extend the duration of Season 1 to six months, meaning that you can forget about the co-op campaign until some time in May 2022.
Why have they chosen to move everything like this? Well, as Joseph Staten told Eurogamer: “Yes, we are extending Season 1. So our goal still remains what I said before, which is to ship campaign co-op with Season 2 and Forge with Season 3. But those remain goals. Those remain targets. And we can’t commit to any hard dates right now, because as we’re seeing with this multiplayer beta, other things might move up in the priority stack for us.” And that’s the source of the Halo Infinite co-op Campaign release date delay – there are just too many moving parts with everything else, so they had to make some tough calls. So, until next summer, you’re gonna have to make due with just playing the multiplayer.