Where is Arbiter in Halo Infinite Easter Egg
If you’re wondering where the Halo Infinite Arbiter Easter egg is, we’ve got you covered. It is a special little surprise for all of you that are long-standing fans of the series. Well, that’s overselling it; it’s just a tiny object that you can very easily miss. Not that the game will penalize you for it in any way, but still, it’s neat to find, especially since it’s in the middle of nowhere, in a place you generally have no reason to be. So, let’s get into the details.

Where is the Arbiter in Halo Infinite Easter Egg
The Arbiter Easter egg in Halo Infinite is in the north of the Ring. You can see its exact location in the screenshots below. When you get there, what you want to do is look for a small, vertical opening in the cliff wall. Mind you, this is an entrance into a cave that you can explore if you want, but at the very mouth of the cave, look at the wall on the left. You’re going to see a small, purple plush toy with its arms open wide. And there you have it, that’s about all of the Arbiter you’re going to see throughout the game, or at least, that’s the case at the point in the game we’re at.
So, that’s where the Halo Infinite Arbiter Easter egg is and what it is. It’s a plush toy that’s just in the middle of a random cave in the middle of nowhere. Not the most engaging of things to find, but it is a fun little nod to a popular character voiced by the wonderful Keith David. And that’s about all there is to it as far as this topic is concerned. We’ve got a bunch of other Halo Infinite guides for you to peruse, in case you need help with something else. To name just a few, we’ve written articles like Ransom Keep Collectibles, Outpost Tremonius Red Buttons Easter Egg, and How to Use Threat Sensor. I think you might find some of them useful.
Ive found an all black one in the hills above the site where you battle the two brothers after taking out the three large guns. befuddled!