
How to Install Gwent Rogue Mage on GOG, Steam, iOS & Android
CD Projekt RED had a sneaky launch this July for their latest game – Gwent: Rogue Mage. It is a standalone single-player Gwent game with elements of roguelike and deck-building games, not unlike the critically acclaimed Slay the Spire. And while the game does seem interesting, the surprise launch had many potential players confused, as…

GWENT Season 1 World Champion
Witcher spin-off card game GWENT now has its official Season 1 World Champion. Benjamin ‘Kolemoen’ Pfannstiel is the winner of the GWENT World Masters Season…

GWENT’s Expansion Set ‘Price of Power’ Announced
CD PROJEKT RED have announced that GWENT: The Witcher Card Game will soon be getting its first expansion set, called Price of Power. The first…

Gwent Expansion Master Mirror, Brings 89 New Cards, Lands On June 30
While not the most popular card game around, Gwent is still alive and kicking. The game will receive a new expansion at the end of…

Gwent Now Available on Steam, Includes Full Cross-Play
After spending an appropriate amount of time of being a GOG exclusive on PC, Gwent is coming out on Steam. It’s going to include full…
Gwent The Witcher Card Game Closed Beta Launches on iOS
The first taste of the mobile version of Gwent: The Witcher Card Game is entering its Closed Beta. Only for iOS devices, though. If you…
Gwent Novigrad Expansion Now Has a Release Date
It’s easy to forget amid all the hyperventilating over Cyberpunk 2077 that everyone’s favorite tiny indie studio is also working on another game. Gwent, the…
Gwent First Card Expansion, Crimson Curse, Announced
CD Projekt Red, the devs behind Gwent: The Witcher Card Game (who else would it be), have announced the first card expansion for the game….
Gwent & Thronebreaker Launch on PlayStation 4 & Xbox One
CD Projekt Red have announced that Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales, and Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, have now officially launched on consoles. Well, not all…
Gwent Witcher Card Game & Thronebreaker Launch Dates Revealed
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales, and the full version of Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, are ready to come out. They’re launching in late October on…
Gwent New Faction Challenge To Be Followed By Premium Keg Week
The new Faction Challenge in Gwent has begun. This time around, the two warring factions are Monsters and Skellige. Participating players from both sides will…
Gwent Challenger Tournament April Locations & Dates Revealed
The dates and locations of the upcoming Gwent Challenger bouts have been revealed. The April editions of the tournament will take place on April 28th…
Gwent Patch Adds Ten New Cards and Arena Mode
A new patch for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game is out, and the contents are pretty exciting. For one, there are ten new cards, neutral…
Gwent New Faction Challenge Now Live: Monsters vs Nilfgaard
Team Gwent has launched the new faction challenge. This time around, Monsters and Nilfgaard will be fighting it out. The rules of the challenge remain…
Gwent Midwinter Update Overview Promises Big Changes
Team GWENT of CD Projekt Red are cooking up a storm for this winter. They’re preparing some pretty large changes to The Witcher Card Game,…
Gwent Challenger Tournament Happening December 16-17
The next leg of the Gwent tournaments, December 2017 Challenger, has been announced. The competition will take place this weekend, from Saturday, December 16th, to…
Gwent First Faction Challenge Now Live – Skellige vs Northern Realms
The first Gwent Faction Challenge is now available for players willing to participate. There will be more events to come, with different factions at war….
Gwent Thronebreaker Single Player Campaign Delayed to 2018
The Gwent single player campaign, called Thronebreaker, won’t be coming out in 2017, like previously announced. Instead, the developers have decided to delay the launch…
Gwent New Hotfix Live, Significantly Changes “Restore” & Other Cards
There’s a new hotfix out for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game. It introduces various changes and tweaks to Monsters and Scoia’tael, and some pretty significant…
Gwent New “Agile” Update Now Live, Patch Notes Released
The new Gwent Agile Update is now out. CD Projekt Red continues to tweak the game further, in order to balance the game out. A…
Gwent Gold Immunity Update Released, Full Patch Notes Revealed
Gwent: The Witcher Card Game got a new update, and it introduces a few pretty major changes to the game. Aside from the usual bug…
Gwent Masters Official Tournament Series Announced
Like any competitive multiplayer game in 2017, Gwent wants to be a proper esport when it grows up. Supportive parents that they are, CDProjekt Red…
Gwent Thronebreaker Singleplayer Campaign Announced
CDProjekt RED have announced the first singleplayer campaign for Gwent. It’s called Thronebreaker, and it stars Meve, a character you might be familiar with if…
Gwent Dev Diary Details Upcoming Social Features
There’s a new developer diary for Gwent, the card game set in the Witcher universe. It features community manager Marcin Momot and lead programmer Jason…
Gwent Tournament Happening at Gamescom 2017
CD Projekt Red’s Team Gwent will be holding a Gwent tournament at Gamescom 2017. The event will take place at their booth in the Entertainment…