GW2 Springer Backpacking Achievement, Haresfoot and Shinies Bag Location
Springer Backpacking achievement is one of many you can get in GW2: Path of Fire. To complete it, you’ll need to find 12 items. It can be completed in Desert Highlands. The reward is five achievement points and a mastery point. In this guide, we’ll show you how to complete Springer Backpacking and where to find Highjump Ranch Supply Barrel, Haresfoot Herb and Shines Bag.

Where to find items in Springer Backpacking Achievement?
- Letter from Unja – You can get this item after you complete the main story mission The Sacrifice, and buying Springer mount, and completing the heart in Stampede Uplands.
- Highjump Ranch Springer Treat – With the Letter from Unja, go to the Stampede Uplands, complete the heart, and talk with Stablemaster Unja. She will give you this item, and inform you about the next step: Talk to Trader Berjas
- Pricklepatch Hollow Springer Treat – You get this item once you pick up the Highjump Ranch Supply Barrel, and give it to Trader Berjas. Trader Berjas is found in the northeastern part of the Stampede Uplands camp, where you get your Springer mount. If you look at the map, you can spot the coins – merchant icon. Once you talk with him, he will give you information about the Brightwater Supply Crate.
- Highjump Ranch Supply Barrel – an item required by Trader Berjas, location shown down below.
- Ogre Supply Case – Gained automatically, just like the Pricklepatch Hollow Springer Treat. It serves the purpose of finding the next trader, Ollgi, in Lommuld Kraal. This location is east from Stampede Uplands, in northeastern Desert Highlands, close to Lifeblood Ravine, and south from Lommuld Kraal Waypoint.
- Ogre Springer Treat – You’ll get this item once you herb at least one Lentils and give it to Ollgi. We’ve found one just southeast from Ollgi. Go across the bridge to the east, and keep to your right. Clear out some Branded Devourer Hatchlings, and herb it out. Talk to Ollgi afterwards to get the Treat.
- Diviner’s Reach Supply Case – Given automatically by Trader Berjas. You should take it to trader Ouna in Diviner’s Reach, in southeastern Desert Highlands. It’s the same entrance where you came from the previous map Crystal Oasis.
- Haresfoot Herb – a rare herb used by the local nomadic tribes, it is required by trader Ouna. You can see its location down below in the screenshot.
- Diviner’s Reach Springer Treat – Once you give Haresfoot Herb to trader Ouna, you get this item.
- Brightwater Supply Crate – Another item that is automatically obtained after recovering the town’s supplies for Trader Berjas. You should give it to trader Ket’abatchk at Brightwater Inlet, found at the beach, west from Brightwater Waypoint.
- Shines Bag – an item stolen by bandits, location listed down below.
- Skritt Springer Treat – Give the shines bag to trader Ket’abatchk, and he will give you this last piece.
Way too much “do things in the right order” to this for my liking (of a sort I’m not used to seeing from GW2 without adequate clueing). For example, I found the Highjump Ranch barrel before I’d spoken to Unja about Trader Berjas. When I interacted with it, though, it disappeared, but all I got were a few mats. Logged, repeated, same. Again, same. This time I spoke to Unja, then Berjas; went back to the barrel – which was, naturally, not there, because it disappeared the last time I interacted with it. So, as I type, I’m stuck logging and relogging, hoping to get into a different map copy (which just might, hopefully, give me the barrel again). Frankly, though, I’ll probably end up going away entirely, and just hoping it clears at the daily reset.
Figured it out. After Diviner’s Reach Supply Case I had to have it to give to Ouna, so went back and was able to get it this time. Before I only had the Letter from Unja.
Every time I gather Haresfoot Herb, its a Ruined Plant Fiber. I did it with a Frostbitten Sickle and a Consortium Sickle and both the same. Any ideas?