Guild Wars 2 Icebrood Saga Episode 3 No Quarter Announced
The third episode of the ongoing Icebrood Saga in Guild Wars 2, No Quarter, has been revealed. The new content is coming on May 26th, and it will take you to Drizzlewood Coast for the first time. There’s a civil war raging among the charr, and you’ll be right in the center of it. The announcement also came with a trailer that briefly shows off all the new content that’s coming your way.

So, what exactly can you expect from the No Quarter chapter of Guild Wars 2 Icebrood Saga? What perils await you in the forests of Drizzlewood Coast, torn apart by civil war? Well, let’s go over the bullet points, as presented in the press release, shall we? Turns out, the developers have been pretty busy cooking up new stuff for you.
- A brand new map, the coastal alpine forests of the Drizzlewood Coast
- A massive, map-wide meta event that puts players right in the thick of the charr civil war as they help the United Legions siege fortresses and take control of enemy positions in World vs. World-inspired gameplay
- A new United Legions Waystation mastery that will grant new special action skills useful for besieging charr fortresses and resupplying allies
- A new Strike Mission, “Cold War”, that features wave-based survival against fearsome enemies
- A new tier to the Essence Manipulation mastery tracks introduced in Episode One
- Two new weapons sets, Tengu Echo and Stormcaller, plus two new standalone weapons to earn
- New charr-themed backpacks, plus new charr-specific helms for charr player characters
- A new “play dead” emote
- A new Bear Shaman armor set, heretofore only available to NPC characters
So, there you have it. That’s quite a bit to sink your teeth into; you can check out the trailer below to see some of the upcoming content in action. The third episode of the Icebrood saga is coming out on May 26th, and will be free for all who own Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire. While we’re on the subject, both the Standard and Deluxe edition of Path of Fire are 50% off until May 8th, so you still have some time to make use of the discount.