Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Blacksmith Locations
In most fantasy video games, the Blacksmith is one of the most important characters that you can meet and do business with. This is because they sell you better weapons and armor, and also often help you repair and upgrade your gear. Since combat is so important in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, you will naturally want to know where you can find a Blacksmith that is going to enhance your weapons and armor. The blacksmith’s name is Zhu Xia, and we are going to show you all the locations where you can find her in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.

Where to Find Blacksmith in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty
You are going to run into Zhu Xia the Blacksmith at several different locations in the game. The first time you will meet her is after you have defeated Zhuyan, the gorilla monster boss. She is standing a short distance away from where the battle took place. At this stage, besides buying and selling, you also have the option of upgrading your gear. To do this, you are going to need materials such as steel and leather. So be sure to get acquire these when you can, since they are very useful.
The second time you will encounter her is during the Demon Fort of the Yellow Heaven chapter of the game. She is standing at the very beginning of the level, past the army camp. Once you complete the Demon Fort of the Yellow Heaven, you will unlock a hidden village where she is going to be permanently stationed for the rest of the game. She also has other services that you can make use of now. These include Embedment (change the passive stat bonuses of your weapons and armor), Decorate (change the appearance of your weapon and armor), and Salvage (dismantle the equipment that you no longer want for Jewel Fragments that you can then use to create custom passive stats for your weapons and armor).