Where Are You Girl From Rome - Life is Strange: True Colors Earworm Squasher
To earn the Earworm Squasher trophy in Life is Strange: True Colors, you will need to help a girl remember a specific song, and all you have to go on are some vague lyrics – “Where Are You? Girl From Rome”. Naturally, this requires some detective work. To help you earn this achievement as quickly and as easily as possible, our Where Are You Girl From Rome – Life is Strange: True Colors Earworm Squasher guide will tell you all the steps needed to complete this cute little side story.

Life is Strange: True Colors Where Are You Girl From Rome Solution
During Chapter 3 in the Black Lantern, you will see a lone female student sitting at one of the tables. When you approach her, you will get the option to use your powers on her. Once you do that, you will hear the following lyrics: “Where are you? Girl from Rome…” Apparently, this song was often played here, but hasn’t been played in a while and the girl misses it. The next step is to go over to Steph and Ryan. Approach and talk with them. Select the “Song” option. Steph will immediately recognize the Where Are You Girl From Rome lyrics and give you the correct song title – Alabaster Daydreams.
Ryan will chime in and explain that his dad used to love that song and Gabe repeated it so much that he grew sick of it. Jed pulled it out of the jukebox and hid it somewhere. So, head on over to Jed. Ask him about the Song. He will agree that it’s been long enough since the song was last played and instruct you to look for it somewhere behind the bar. It’s right next to the computer there, so pick it up. Finally, go and put it in the Jukebox by selecting the Alabaster Daydreams option. Select it to play it and you will have officially earned the Earworm Squasher trophy. Even better, you will be able to hear the entirety of the song in full, not just the Where Are You Girl From Rome part.