What is Sylvia in Wander Over Yonder?

Wander Over Yonder is an animated adventure series that aired for two seasons between 2013 and 2016. It was created by Craig McCracken, the famed animator behind beloved cartoons such as The Powerpuff Girls, Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, and, most recently, Kid Cosmic. In Wander Over Yonder, we follow the adventures of the titular Wander and his faithful steed and companion Sylvia. But, there appears to be some confusion over Sylvia’s species. So what is Sylvia in Wander Over Yonder? Is she a: Griffin, Kelpie, Zbornak, or Camel? Read on to learn the answer.

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What is Sylvia in Wander Over Yonder?
Image Credit: Disney

In Wander over Yonder, What is Sylvia?

Sylvia is Wander’s loyal steed and best friend in the Disney Channel animated series Wander Over Yonder. Sis a skilled fighter and loves to be in the thick of things, but also has a soft spot for Wander and is always there for him when he needs her. Behind her sometimes gruff exterior is a very caring person. All of these traits make for a very interesting character, and she has a lot of fans because of this. So, what species is she in WOY? Is Sylvia a:

  • 1. Griffin.
  • 2. Kelpie.
  • 3. Zbornak.
  • 4. Camel.

The correct answer here is that she is a Zbornak. This alien species is a type of beast of burden known for their strength, toughness, and stubbornness. Zbornaks are distinguished by their reptilian features (including scales), the ability to walk on two legs, a long tail, and a dorsal fin on their heads. They are also known for their incredible strength, stamina, and fighting skills. Zbornaks are very loyal and protective of their loved ones, as can be evidenced many times on the show. So now you know the answer to the “In Wander over Yonder, What is Sylvia?” question and can successfully complete today’s Disney100 TikTok quiz.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.