What is Donald Duck's Middle Name?
Donald Duck made his first theatrical appearance in “The Wise Little Hen” in 1934. An anthropomorphic white duck, he is almost always seen wearing his signature outfit – a sailor suit and cap (minus the pants) and bowtie. His initial design featured a long neck and longer legs (much closer to an actual duck’s anatomy), but this soon changed to a more human-like appearance. While often depicted as best friends with Mickey Mouse, they are complete opposites in many ways. Mickey is calm and collected, and Donald is prone to angry outbursts at the slightest provocation. Needless to say, this is the source of much of the comedy surrounding him. There are many interesting things about Donald, including his middle name. So what is Donald Duck’s middle name? Is it Winston, Fauntelroy, Bartholomew, or Morgenstern? Read on to find out.

What’s Donald Duck’s Middle Name?
This is a pretty tricky question, as all of these names are pretty archaic and rarely used today. But when Donald Duck was first made, they were pretty common male names in the United States. For example, Mickey Mouse was initially supposed to be called Mortimer Mouse. This was only changed at the last minute when Walt Disney’s wife suggested that Mickey had a nicer ring to it. So what’s Donald’s middle name? Is it:
- 1. Winston.
- 2. Fauntleroy.
- 3. Bartholomew.
- 4. Morgenstern.
Donald Duck’s middle name is Fauntleroy. Which means that his full name is Donald Fauntleroy Duck. Quite a mouthful. But this doesn’t come up all that often, and there have been only a handful of instances where he was called by his full name. In any case, it’s good that Donald is still here with us after all these years. The world of Disney shorts would be a much more boring place without him around, that’s for sure.