Warframe Rare Fish on Plains of Eidolon
Warframe Rare Fish on Plains of Eidolon are the main crux of the current Nightwave Challenge. Specifically, you have to get six of these fish in order to complete the mission. There are a number of ways that you can approach this task, and one in particular is pretty easy. If you follow the guide, you should catch all six rare fish in a matter of minutes. So, let’s find out how to easily catch rare fish on the Plains of Eidolon, shall we?

How to Catch Rare Fish in Warframe Plains of Eidolon
The easiest way to catch a rare fish on Plains of Eidolon for the Warframe Nightwave Challenge is to go to the edge of the ocean in the southeastern corner and hunt for Murkrays. Basically, you need to fish for them at the inlet south of Hillside Ruin (location marked on the map below). Before you go there, however, you’ll need a few items to help you on your quest.

The first item you will need is the Lanzo Fishing Spear, which you can purchase on Cetus from Fisher Hai-Luk for 500 Standing. While you’re there, you’ll want to grab some Luminous Dye (100 Standing) and Murkray Bait (200 Standing once you reach the rank of Visitor). Alternatively, if you have the blueprint, you can craft the bait with 5 Tralok Eyes, 5 Mortus Horn, 10 Goopolla Spleen and 20 Fish Meat. Those are the tools you’ll need to catch these rare Plains of Eidolon fish for the Warframe Nightwave Challenge.
Once you have everything, go to the location we’ve laid out above and find the spot where the water is bubbling. Throw the Murkray Bait and Luminous Dye near the bubbling spot and just wait for the fish to appear. Once they do, simply hit them with the Lanzo Fishing Spear, and they will be yours. You should have the six you need to complete the challenge in mere minutes. Rinse and repeat as necessary.