Warframe Familial Debt Bonds Farm 2023
Knowing how to get and farm Warframe Familial Debt Bonds in 2023 is going to be important if you’re trying to reach the rank of Old Mate with Solaris United. The problem is, these are very rare and hard to obtain. You will have to do some serious grinding, depending on how much the gods of RNG like you. Here’s what you need to do.

How to Get Familial Debt Bonds in Warframe
There are a few things you can do to get Familial Debt Bonds in Warframe in 2023. The first and most obvious is to go and visit Ticker. The NPC can sell you the Debt Bonds you’re after. Unfortunately, they are very rare. Therefore, while we absolutely recommend checking in with Ticker regularly to see the wares she is peddling, it’s not exactly the most reliable way of farming Familial Debt Bonds. Instead, you should focus on doing Tier-5 Bounties. Their levels range between forty and sixty, so come prepared. There’s a twenty-five percent chance of getting Familial Debt Bonds from Stage 1 of any fifth-tier Bounty. Not exactly super-high odds, but it bears mentioning that the percentage goes down on further stages.
So, in order to get and farm Warframe Familial Debt Bonds in 2023, pick up a Tier-5 Bounty from Eudico and do the first stage. Check what you’ve got, collect the rewards, and then extract. Rinse and repeat and keep going for as long as necessary. Every so often, head over to Ticker, just in case there are some Familial Debt Bonds for purchase. Then, go back to farming the Bounties. It’s probably going to be a lengthy process, but that’s farming rare resources for you. It’s probably a good idea to set aside a day and dedicate it entirely to grinding out Debt Bonds. Again, it’s not exactly going to be fun necessarily; it’s just what you have to do. This is the reason I avoid playing games like this, but to each their own.