Warframe Deploy Glyph
The question of how to deploy a Glyph in Warframe has been giving a bit of trouble to some players. It’s a system that has been in the game for a while now, but some people just haven’t gotten around to figuring it out. It’s fairly simple once you know what to do. We’ll explain the whole process in this guide.

How to Deploy a Glyph in Warframe
To deploy a Glyph in Warframe, the first step is to equip one. To do that, go into the menu before heading out on a mission, then select Profile, and navigate to Glyph. In the next menu, you’ll see your entire Glyph collection. Go through them all and, once you’ve found the one you want, select it. Exit the menu and then enter your Arsenal. Click on the circle icon in the loadout tab in the upper left corner of the screen, then click on “Gear.” Go through your gear until you find an empty slot and click on it. Scroll through the items that you can place into the slot, and the Glyph should be in there somewhere. Double-click the Glyph icon and check whether it is now in your Gear wheel. If it is, you’re good to go on a mission.
Once you’re in a mission, aim your reticle at the area where you want to deploy the Glyph (or Glyph Prism as it appears in the Gear wheel). The last step to deploy a Glyph in Warframe is to hit Q or whatever the equivalent is on your platform to open the Gear menu. Scroll through until you find the Glyph Prism, and click on it. If everything is working properly, the symbol should appear on the surface you’ve been pointing your crosshairs at. Mind you; you can’t paste the icon on every single surface, but it is possible to do on most flat floors and walls and whatnot. They look pretty nifty, too.