Warcraft Rumble Battery Drain, Makes Phone Hot Issue
If Warcraft Rumble is draining battery really fast, you are probably wondering what’s going on there. Several weeks have passed since the release of Blizzard’s action mobile RTS game set in a Warcraft universe. And while the player base almost universally agrees that the game is insanely fun and addictive, it has also been acknowledged that it has quite a few issues. For starters, Warcraft Rumble is heating up many players’ phones and making them extremely hot. Also, it eats through battery like no other app. Here’s what we know about the Warcraft Rumble Battery Drain issue.

Warcraft Rumble Battery Drain Issue
Does your phone battery go down really fast when you play Warcraft Rumble? I feel you! Since the release of Blizzard’s first mobile action strategy game, I’ve fallen in love with it. Warcraft Rumble is a fun, good-looking, well-designed and very addictive game! However, it does have quite a few glaring issues which shouldn’t have been part of the game’s global launch. Aside from annoyingly long loading times and various errors, the major problem is the fact the game eats the phone battery extremely fast. This is not a big issue when we are playing at home. However, it makes me not want to play the game outside, knowing that I can be left with an empty phone battery.
I’m experiencing excessive battery drain on my iPhone 15 Pro Max (only two weeks old, 100% Battery Maximum Capacity),” writes Battle.net forum user Jcello. “When I play this game, my battery percentage goes down really quickly.” Jcello’s report mirrors many other players’ accounts about the same issue. All over the game’s subreddit and forum, we can see threads with players reporting about their phone battery going down rapidly when they are playing Warcraft Rumble. Unfortunately, there’s currently no magic trick to fix the Warcraft Rumble battery drain issue. We can only hope that the developers will optimize the game and thus make it use our batteries more efficiently.
Warcraft Rumble Making Phone Hot
Another major issue, which is heavily connected with the first one, is that Warcraft Rumble is making phones really hot. If your phone is heating up while you play Warcraft Rumble, you shouldn’t be too worried. Although this may be cause for concern, one should not get too excited about it. Simply, Warcraft Rumble is a rather demanding mobile game, it’s putting your phone’s components to a serious test. Hence, that’s why your phone is getting hotter then usual when you play Warcraft Rumble. Nevertheless, be cautious and monitor the situation. If you think that the phone is becoming unbearably hot when playing Warcraft Rumble, you should stop playing the game.
For now, that’s all we know about these two closely connected issues. We hope that Blizzard is realizing how negatively impacting this is for their game and the community and is actively working on fixes. Hopefully, we should some some patches to address this as soon as possible. That said, our “Warcraft Rumble Battery Drain, Makes Phone Hot Issue” article is completed.