Valorant Jett Nerf, 4.08 Patch Release Date
The Valorant Jett nerf 4.08 patch release date is coming soon, and the player base is curious when it’s going to come out. This goes double for people who main Jett and will have to adjust to the changes. That’s why, in this guide, we’ll show you when the patch will come out and what the alterations to Jett are going to be.

Valorant 4.08 Patch Release Date
The release date of the Valorant 4.08 Jett nerf patch should coincide with the release of Episode 4 Act 3. All that new content is slated to launch on April 27th at 6 AM PST / 3 PM CST / April 28th at 3 AM IST. Although, I have seen it mentioned that the Jett nerf specifically might actually launch on April 26th, so do keep your eyes peeled starting then. Just in case. As for what you can expect in t Episode 4 Act 3, the main draw is the new character called Fade. Of course, there’s also the new battle pass and the rewards you can earn, etc. However, that’s not our main subject here. Let’s get back on course and talk more about Jett, shall we?
Valorant Jett Changes
The changes or nerf to Jett in the Valorant 4.08 patch affect her Tailwind ability. Why? Well, according to the official explanation, it’s because “some of her other impacts on the game have pushed beyond VALORANT’s core tactical cycle in worrisome ways.” So, what’s the solution? Here’s what the “patch notes” say:
- On pressing the ability key, after a short delay Jett activates a 12 second window where she is empowered to immediately dash on next button press.
- Her Tailwind charge is lost whether she dashes or the window expire, but can still be regained with two kills.
So, there you have it. You can read a more detailed explanation for the alteration in the article we’ve linked above. Those of you that main Jett are going to have to readjust, but I don’t think it’s gonna be too much of a problem.