Valorant Iso Abilities Explained
If you need the Iso abilities in Valorant explained, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we are going to list all the abilities the new Valorant agent 24 has. After all, the new character is coming out along with Valorant episode 7 Act 3, so you need to be prepared. So, what does this Duelist have up his sleeves? Let’s find out!

All Valorant Iso Abilities
The first of the four abilities Iso has in Valorant is Contingency (C). It collects prismatic energy which Iso forms into a wall that blocks bullets when “fired.” The drawback is that this costs 250 points; plus, you can apparently have only one charge per round. So, be sure to use it wisely. Next up, we have Undercut (Q). No, it’s not a hairstyle, but a a molecular bolt that you can fire forwards. It goes through any solid object, walls included. It applies the Vulnerable status effect on every player it touches. Using the ability costs 200 points and you can have two charges per round. It’s great, because it lets this Duelist be more of a team player. Weakening enemies allows your teammates to kill them more easily; it doesn’t have to be all you.
The third of the four abilities in Valorant that Iso has is Double Tap (E). This one is nuts. Basically, Iso enters a focus timer. After the timer runs out, the character goes into a sort of flow state. Every enemy you damage or kill spawns an orb. Shooting the orb gives you one layer of a shied that protects you from one instance of any damage. It costs 150 points and you have one charge per round. Last, but not least, Contract Kill (X). This one is even crazier. You can trigger it with 7 Ultimate Points. It creates a whole interdimensional arena and fires a pulse of energy. The first player it hits is summoned into the arena, and you duel to the death. How awesome is that?! You can check out the first trailer that shows Iso off here.