Valorant Could Not Enter Matchmaking Error Fix
In online hero shooter Valorant, players have long been plagued with the so-called Could Not Enter Matchmaking Error, and want to know if there is any fix for it. While there still isn’t a solution that is 100% guaranteed to work, there are a couple of fixes that have reliably worked for many players that have tried them out. In our Valorant Could Not Enter Matchmaking Error Fix guide, we’ve compiled all of these in one place. So, if this Valorant matchmaking error is giving you trouble, keep on reading.

How to Fix Could Not Enter Matchmaking in Valorant
If you come across the “Could Not Enter Matchmaking” error while playing Valorant, it means that there are issues with the Riot servers. Thus, there is not much you can do except patiently wait for the servers to return to their normal state and for the developers to address the issue. Check here to see if there is a problem with the game’s servers. If everything is fine on their end and this issue is still persisting for you, you can try the following solutions. The first thing you can do is to restart your game. Of course, odds are good that this is the first thing you tried anyway and that it isn’t helping. The second thing is to restart your computer.
Next, turn off your router and then turn it back on again. This often does the trick. You can also try to manually turn off all Valorant processes. To do this, go into your Task Manager. In here, locate all instances of RiotClientServices.exe and Valorant.exe processes. Right-click on all of them and select End Task. After that, relaunch the game. Finally, if none of these have done the job, you can try to temporarily turn off your antivirus and firewall. Of course, you shouldn’t leave them turned off permanently, but just to see if the game launches normally while they are off. And if none of these Valorant Could Not Enter Matchmaking Error Fix solutions work, the only thing left is to contact Valorant Support and to see if they can assist you in resolving this problem.
could not enter matchmaking