V Rising Confined Castle Room
One of the best-known parts of the vampire mythos is that they can’t be exposed to direct sunlight. While this trope was first introduced in the classic German film “Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror” from 1922, it has since become a staple of vampire lore. Being a survival game, avoiding sunlight is also a very important part of V Rising. And though you will soon get to build a castle of your own, it will lack a very important part of the building – namely, the roof. It seems like many players are having trouble with this, and it isn’t hard to see why – building a roof is pretty complicated in this game. However, you need to build one in order to get the Confined Castle Room in V Rising. We’ll explain how this is done.

Confined Castle Room in V Rising
Getting a Confined Castle Room is part of the main questline. At the start of the game, your Castle is going to be exposed to the elements and you won’t be able to build a roof there. At least, not as long as you have the Palisades there. During the main quest, you will get a step that requires that you “Complete a Castle room by laying down floors and building surrounding Castle walls to generate a roof.” This tells you a lot about what you need to do, but not all of the details.
To do this, you will need to have unlocked and set up a Grinder and Sawmill there. Using these, you will get Stone Bricks and Planks, both of which are necessary building materials. Once you have enough of these, go to a corner of your Castle. What you want to do here is to replace the Palisade walls and pillars with Reinforced Walls to create a room. You don’t need a big room, just one that is big enough to complete this early-game step. You can always expand this more later. In this room, you then need to put down some floors next. Finally, put in a Reinforced Entrance at the entrance of this room and the roof will then get automatically put there on top of it – giving you a Confined Castle Room in V Rising.