How to Use the Wingsuit in Battlefield 2042
The Battlefield 2042 wingsuit is one of a number of cool gadgets that you can use in the game. In fact, it’s been featured relatively prominently in the promotional materials, so of course people want to know how to get it and fly with it. Well, we can now safely say that the wingsuit is a fast and cool way to cover great distances, but unfortunately, there are some limitations. We’ll explain everything in our How to Use the Wingsuit in Battlefield 2042 guide.

How to Use Battlefield 2042 Wingsuit
To use the wingsuit in Battlefield 2042, the first thing you need to know is that there’s only one operative that can actually use it, and it’s Sundance. In fact, it is basically her special ability. Everybody else has to use parachutes. Maybe the developers will add the option of equipping a wingsuit on other operatives in the future, but for now, it’s Sundance only. With that out of the way, when playing as Sundance, find a high-enough ledge and jump off. You’ll get a button prompt at the bottom of the screen to deploy the wingsuit.
Once you’re airborne, you control the wingsuit with standard flight controls. Move the left stick down to go up and almost hover in place, or move the stick up to go down and gain speed. To turn, just move the stick left or right. That’s how to use the Battlefield 2042 wingsuit. To land, fly down close to the ground and hit Circle on PlayStation (or whatever is the equivalent on your platform) to close the wingsuit. You can also just touch down directly if you’re careful enough, but I wouldn’t recommend it. If you hit the ground too hard, you’ll get hurt or maybe even die.
So, that about wraps it up. If yo need more help with Battlefield 2042, feel free to check out some of our other guides. To name a few, we’ve written articles like XP Progression for Score Events Problem, Unable to Load Persistence Data – 15-7A Error Fix, and Battlefield 2042 Pre-Order Bonus Gold & Ultimate Edition.