How to Use Scavenger Ability Skywalker Saga
Knowing how to use a Scavenger ability in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga is necessary in order to get over some obstacles. However, before you can even use any of the Scavenger tools in Skywalker Saga, you first need to get access to them. That’s why we’ve decided to write this guide for you, in which we’ll show you how to unlock the Scavenger abilities in this game.

How to Use Scavenger Ability in Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga
To use any Scavenger ability in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, you first need to unlock them. The easiest way to do so is to play Episode VII: The Force Awakens and play through the main story until you come across the mission called Scrap for Scraps. You play as Rey and BB8 in this quest, and Rey is a Scavenger character. The task is to collect twenty chunks of scrap around Niima Outpost, and as you progress, you’ll permanently unlock all three Scavender abilities (or tools, as they’re actually called) – the Net Launcher, the Glider, and the Breaker Blaster. Here’s what each of them does.
- Breaker Blaster – shoots through breakable walls and other surfaces
- Glider – lets you fly over larger gaps
- Net Launcher – launches a climbable net at blocks marked with an X
Now, to use a Scavenger ability in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga after unlocking them, you first have to be playing as a Scavenger character. Rey is one of them, but she’s not the only one. Next, simply hold B or Circle or whatever your equivalent is to bring up the Tool menu. Select the tool you want, and the game will show you which buttons you need to press to use each tool. They all work a bit different, but it’s all really comprehensive. Pay attention during the Scrap for Scraps mission, as the game will teach you everything you need as you progress.