Use Burst Skill Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds
While Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds has technically been out since June 2021, it was only available in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Now, finally, the game has been released worldwide and players all over the world are free to enjoy it. Developed by legendary animation studio Ghibli and Level 5, it is a colorful and free-to-play RPG. Though, since it has been out only for a short while, players are still unsure how certain things are done in the game. The Burst Skill is one such thing. In this guide, we will show you how you can unlock and use the Burst Skill in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds.

How to Use Burst Skill Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds
To start with, in order to use the Burst Skill, you first need to unlock it. This is done when you reach Level 20 and upgrade to Class Grade 1. This means that you will need to grind a bit before you can unlock it. After that, you can then use this skill in combat. The weapons you equip have different charge for the Burst Skill. Once you activate it, keep hitting enemies to charge the Burst Skill. The reason why players are wondering how to do this is because of the Evermore Event.

One of the event missions requires that you use the Burst Skill at least once. As a reward, you will get ten Delicious Coupe Bread. This is a dish, and when you consume it, you will get the following buff for ten minutes: +100 to Attack and +100 to Hit Points. It’s an excellent buff and you don’t have to do anything too difficult to get it. If you have any other issues or questions concerning Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds, we invite you to take a look at our other NNKCW guides.