Unlock Chapter Select The Quarry
Don’t know how to unlock chapter selection in The Quarry? The next Supermassive Games title is here with yet another group of pesky teenagers making the grave mistake of spending “one last night” in a creepy isolated area. Like most Supermassive games The Quarry is divided into chapters. If you’re familiar with the previous games, namely “Until Dawn” and “The Dark Pictures Anthology”, then you know that these games feature the Chapter Select option. This allows you to easily choose which part of the game you want to play. Here’s how to unlock Chapter Select in The Quarry.

How to Unlock Chapter Select in The Quarry
So, is there the Chapter Select feature in The Quarry? Yes, just like in all other Supermassive games, you will be able to choose chapters. But it is not available from the get-go. Rather, in order to unlock Chapter Select, you first must beat the game completely for the first time. Only once you complete the whole game, the chapter selection option will become available to you. This is good as it will allow you to experience to the story for the first time without trying to “make things right” and save your favourite charters.
There are still some rules even after you beat the game. When you use Chapter Select to play a chapter again, the option will again become unavailable until you beat the whole game. This means that you can not freely jump from various chapters. For example, if you select Chapter 3, you’ll need to complete the game starting from there until the end before being able to select another chapter.
The Chapter Select feature is particularly useful for those players looking to collect all collectables. That’s because the progress resets when you start a new game, and it is impossible to find them all in one playthrough, as they require different decisions and choosing different paths. Thus, the only way to collect them all is by using Chapter Select.