The Medium Tie Clip Location - Find Jack's Tie Clip
Where to find Jack’s tie clip in The Medium is the first puzzle that you’ll have to solve in the game. It’s basically there to teach you one of the game’s fundamental mechanics, Intuition. However, even though it’s at the very start of the game, you can easily get lost at this point. I say that because the tie clip in the Medium is small and well-hidden. What makes it worse is that you can explore the whole house, so it’s hard to know where to look. So, to help you out, here’s our The Medium Tie Clip Location – Find Jack’s Tie Clip guide.

Where to Find Jack’s Tie Clip Location in The Medium?
To find Jack’s tie clip location in The Medium, as soon as the opening cutscene is over and you have control, walk through the double doors that are opposite of the window you were standing at. Once in the hallway, head up (Marianne’s left) towards the door that the cat will walk through. Go through the door on the left, into Jack’s room, and look at the wall to Marianne’s left. You’ll immediately note that it’s covered in medals and other framed memorabilia. You can inspect this part of the room more closely, so do just that.
On this screen, you’ll be able to interact with the medals at the top, but that’s not our focus here. Instead, you need to focus on the small box next to the mantle clock. Open it, and Marianne will get annoyed that the clip is not there. Now, in order to find Jack’s tie clip location in The Medium, you have to turn on your Insight. The game will tell you to do so; this is basically a tutorial on how to use it. As soon as you turn Insight on, you’ll see the clip’s outline under the clock. Once you figure that out, you’ll be able to interact with the clock to move it. The tie clip is all yours.