TFT Set 11 Inkborn Fables Release Date
In our TFT Set 11 Inkborn Fables Release Date guide, we are going to discuss when the new set is coming out in Teamfight Tactics, along with what’s most likely going to be a whole new season. The developers have started dropping teasers, which does mean it’s probably still a while away, but inching ever closer. And when will be able to play the new content? Let’s find out.

When is TFT Set 11 Inkborn Fables Coming Out?
While we don’t know the exact release date of Set 11 in TFT, aka Inkborn Fables, but we can hazard a guess on when it’s coming out based on previous launches. We estimate that Inkborn Fables will most likely begin on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024. That’s when Patch 14.6 is going to release and the current battle pass ends, so that sounds like the most obvious date. We could be wrong, but I doubt it’ll vary by more than a day or two. As for the PBE version of Set 11, it will probably launch two weeks earlier, on Wednesday, March 6th or Tuesday, March 5th, 2024. Of course, when and if the developers reveal an official date, we’ll be sure to update the guide with official info.
So, yeah, that’s the most likely release date of Inkborn Fables, Set 11 in TFT or Teamfight Tactics. As for what we can expect to see in the new set, clues are really scarce. The teaser video the developer put out only shows their team in a party setting, replacing the more upbeat record symbolizing Set 10 with a relaxed yet grand tune that stands for Set 11. Which, by the way, will revolve around myths and legends. Now, I’m sure more dedicated players than I can probably pick up on more than me by looking at the notes shown in the video. If that’s you, by all means, let us know what you’ve dug up in the comments.