Sun Breathing - Slayers Unleashed Codes Update 0.4
The new Slayers Unleashed Update 0.4 is now out, adding a new boss event and twenty codes that you can redeem. First off, there’s the Sun Breathing event, in which you can fight the new boss and unlock the new Breathing technique, with its own attack moves. Then, of course, there are the new codes that unlock a bunch of new rolls. So, in our Sun Breathing – Slayers Unleashed Codes Update 0.4 guide, we’ll show you how to get Sun Breathing and a list of the new codes to redeem.

How to Get Sun Breathing – Slayers Unleashed
To get Sun Breathing in Slayers Unleashed, you need to defeat the new Yoriichi boss. To do that, first off, you need to be Human and be level 50 or above. Demons, hybrids, and characters lower than level 50 can’t begin this quest. If you meet these requirements, go and talk to Jack outside of town and fast travel to Sagiri Mountain. From there, turn south and head left to find a path, then follow it south. You will have to climb up a bunch of mountains, for which you’ll need the Climb skill unlocked. Other than that, just keep heading straight south and up. Eventually, you’ll come across a cottage where the NPC Tanjiro lives. Talk to him and select the option to fight Yoriichi. After you defeat the boss, you have a 10% chance that Sun Breathing will drop, unless you’re Kamado, in which case the drop rate is 100%.
Slayers Unleashed Codes Update – August 2021
Slayers Unleashed Update 0.4 also added twenty new codes for August 2021, not just the Sun Breathing event. These codes unlock new Demon Arts rolls, Breathing Style rolls, Clan rolls, and Demon Arts rolls. There are basically four batches of five codes that unlock these bonus rolls. So, that’s exactly how we’ve divided them in the list below.
- Demon Arts Rolls
- ;code sunbda01
- ;code sunbda02
- ;code sunbda03
- ;code sunbda04
- ;code sunbda05
- Breathing Style Rolls
- ;code sunbreath1
- ;code sunbreath2
- ;code sunbreath3
- ;code sunbreath4
- ;code sunbreath5
- Clan Rolls
- ;code sunclan1
- ;code sunclan2
- ;code sunclan3
- ;code sunclan4
- ;code sunclan5
- Race Rolls
- ;code sunrace1
- ;code sunrace2
- ;code sunrace3
- ;code sunrace4
- ;code sunrace5
its lv 800 now so this needs to be updated
My brother has the Kamado clan and he still cant get sun breathing
This sum bs Ive fought yorichii like 30 times in a row and no sign of sun breathing im starting to belive that you NEED kamado to even get sun breathing
Well no duh, the letter needs to be updated but now its 1% if you dont HAVE kamado clan
its a 10% chance to get it, but if your a kamado its 100% chance
This should be updated the new req is 150 lvls.
I wanted to know if u need kamado to even use sun breathing so this wasn’t the slightest bit helpful
Boi this is just embarrising this was made in august lol
You need to read carefully,it says after you defeat the boss, “you have a 10% chance that Sun Breathing will drop, unless you’re Kamado, in which case the drop rate is 100%.” So no you dont have to be kamdo to use it