Springtime Bingo Answers Cookie Run Kingdom
The Springtime Bingo answers in Cookie Run Kingdom are the twenty shapes you’ll have to recreate using Blossom Stamps during the event. The event will remain live until March 30th, so you still have plenty of time, but don’t get too comfortable. You have to account for all the time you’ll be spending farming for Blossom Stamps. We’re going to make the process at least a little easier by giving you all the answers to the Cookie Run Kingdom Springtime Bingo.

Cookie Run Kingdom Springtime Bingo Answers
There are twenty Cookie Run Kingdom Springtime Bingo answers you’re going to have to figure out. You need to check in daily and complete the mission cards by recreating the shapes given to you by different cookies. How do you do that? By placing Blossom Stamps on the grid, hence the need to log in every day. You’re gonna have to farm a lot of stamps in order to do this; fortunately, you can have more than one mission card going at the same time. So, with all of that said, here’s a gallery of all twenty shapes you’re going to have to make. Huge props to fizzyhook, Ubatcha and Zenus for compiling all the images.
So, those are basically all the Springtime Bingo Cookie Run Kingdom answers. Don’t forget to claim your reward every time you complete a mission card; there’s plenty of useful stuff to get your hands on, plus an extra three thousand crystals when you do them all. Considering all the grinding you’ll have to do if you want to finish the entire event, the least you deserve is some items in return. See, you have to spend ten Blossom Stamps to secure one place on the bingo card, and its placement will be random. Every time you want to move a stamp, that’s five more flowers. So, do try and be as efficient as possible to minimize the monstrous grind. Good luck!
Oh. Their instructions are inaccurate for the “rows”. It should’ve been “lines” instead. o_o