Spectral Debris - Warframe Granum Void Sisters of Parvos Update
Spectral Debris is a new resource that has been introduced in the latest Warframe Void Sisters of Parvos update and you can get it in the Granum Void. This special game mode allows you to farm certain items through its challenges on the Corpus Ship. To complete these, you will need to acquire Granum Crowns that let you enter the Granum Void. You can get these by defeating Treasurers. Our Spectral Debris – Warframe Granum Void Sisters of Parvos Update guide will tell you everything you need to know about all of these.

Granum Void Warframe
As we already mentioned, the Granum Void is a special game mode inside Warframe. It can only be unlocked after completing The Deadlock Protocol quest. To enter the Granum Void, you will also need Granum Crowns. We will explain how you can acquire these in the next section.
How to Get Granum Crowns in Warframe
Granum Crowns are items that you get from defeating corpus enemies known as Treasurers. A Granum Crown is guaranteed to drop when you kill one, but if you take too long (over 90 seconds) the Treasurer will escape and you won’t be able to get a Granum Crown that way. Another important thing to note here is that each mission has only one Treasurer. Three Granum Crown types exist, and they depend on your level. A Regular Granum Crown will drop if you are Level 0-15, an Exemplar Granum Crown for Level 16-30, and a Zenith Granum Crown for Levels above 30. You can then use one of these Granum Crowns to access one of three Granum Voids.
Spectral Debris Warframe
Spectral Debris is a resource that is sometimes dropped when you destroy Errant Specters in the Granum Void. You can use the Spectral Debris for crafting components for the Hounds companions. Thank you for reading our Spectral Debris – Warframe Granum Void Sisters of Parvos Update guide. We hope that you have found it useful and that you now have a better understanding of Spectral Debris, Granum Void, and Granum Crowns.