Snowman Outfit Forza Horizon 5 Frosty Friends Clothing Reward
Now that the new season has started in Forza Horizon 5, there are plenty of new driving challenges which you can undertake. One of these is the Frosty Friends collectibles challenge. To complete this, you will need to find – and then smash into – a certain number of snowmen that have been placed all over the map. The description for this challenge states that your reward for completing it will be a Snowman Outfit. However, once you do manage to finish this, the only thing you will get is a Snoman’s Head. Naturally, this has left many players feeling cheated and confused. Surely this head accessory cannot constitute an entire Snowman Outfit? Well, as we will show in our Snowman Outfit Forza Horizon 5 Frosty Friends Clothing Reward guide, there is, in fact, a way to get the outfit as well.

How to Unlock Snowman Outfit Forza Horizon 5 Frosty Friends Clothing Reward
In order to unlock the entire Snowman Outfit in Forza Horizon 5, you will also need to complete the Make It Rein Autumn Trial Event. This event requires that you use a Super Saloons A 800 model to complete it. The 2018 Mercedes-AMG GT 4-Door Coupe, or the 2013 Audi RS 7 Sportback are both good options for doing this. Once you complete this Make It Rein Trial, you will be awarded with the Snowman Outfit. To put it on, go into the Character Customization options tab. There, under Outfits, you will be able to find the Snowman Outfit. It’s a white jumpsuit with big red buttons on it.
If you also have the Sad Snowman Head from the Frosty Friends challenge, then you can equip it as well. It can be found in the Hats tab. When worn together, these two items form the complete Snowman Outfit. And that’s how you get the entire Snowman Outift, both the Outfit and the Sad Snowman Head, in Forza Horizon 5.