Slime Rancher 2 Ringtail Statues & Locations
In our Slime Rancher 2 Ringtail Statues & Locations guide, we are going to show you how to get and where to find the Ringtail Slimes. These critters are rare and quite crafty. While they’re out and about, it’s almost impossible to capture them. However, if you come across them in their “resting” phase, it’s a cinch. Here’s what you need to do.

How to Get & Find Ringtail Slimes in Slime Rancher 2
To get and find Ringtail Slimes in Slime Rancher 2, you kinda have to wait for them to turn to statues. That is the only way to really pinpoint their locations. During the night, they are exceptionally sneaky, and delight in stealing anything they can, as much as they can. In other words, they are very, very difficult to lay eyes on, let alone capture when they’re active. However, when the sun comes up, they turn to stone. You can take a closer look at the screenshot above to see exactly what they look like when petrified. That’s when you can catch them as a largo and take them back to your farm (more on that in a bit). These rare Slimes seem to spawn all over the place, but appear to be most common on Ember Island, around the rivers of lava.
So, that’s all there is to it when it comes to how to get and where to find Slime Rancher 2 Ringtail Slimes, or statues. And yes, if you’ve found them as a statue and have taken them back home, have them in an enclosure before night time, lest they run away. Speaking of enclosures, in order to properly care for the Ringtails, you need to protect them from the sun. Otherwise, they’ll be useless stone figures half the time. So, either build an enclosure for them in a cave, or outfit it with Solar Shields. As for what they eat, the answer is everything and anything. From what we can tell, the Ringtail Slimes are fully omnivorous and have no discernible favorite food.
why does this happen
It’s just a function of the ringtail slime. Think of it being nocturnal and during the day it turns to stone to sleep.