Sharkbite Christmas Codes 2021 December Roblox
The Sharkbite Christmas December 2021 Roblox codes are a whole different affair compared to how it all usually works. All of the codes are unique to the player that finds them, and you’ll have to hunt them down for yourself, then redeem them to get presents, which in turn unlock rewards. Fortunately, it’s nothing too difficult. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get Sharkbite Xmas codes and presents, as well as what they unlock.

Christmas Codes Sharkbite – How to Get Presents
To get presents, you need to find and redeem Sharkbite Christmas 2021 December codes. To do that, wait for the hunt to start and make sure you’re a hunter. Next, look for the hot air balloons in the air, then approach them and shoot them with your gun. Go to the place where their load has dropped, and you’ll see a screen with rapidly changing numbers. Wait for the numbers to settle onto one four-digit code, and that’s what you need to input to get presents. Tap the Input Code button in the bottom left to go the arcade, type in the four digits you got, and boom, you’ll recieve your presents.
A few things to note here. All the codes are uniquley generated, meaning that you absolutely have to find them yourself. The code in the image above is just for illustration purposes, it won’t work for you. Next, the number of presents you get from Sharkbite Christmas December 2021 codesin Roblox depends on what color the balloon is. Regular balloons give you about two, while gold balloons grant you ten presents. Lastly, the rewards you get from acquiring a specific number of gifts unlock automatically. Here’s a list of prizes and how many presents you need for them.
- Rudolph Shark – x10 Gift Boxes
- Snowball Launcher – x40 Gift Boxes
- Steam-train Boat – x100 Gift Boxes
- Golden Sleigh – x200 Gift Boxes
- RGB Turret Sleigh – x500 Gift Boxes
- RGB Shark – x750 Gift Boxes
- Golden Shark – x999 Gift Boxes
How to get golden shark?if it says free code than where is the code
so, you guys dont get it. the amount of gifts you get, the more items. the first two are: 10 gifts: rodoulgh shark 40: snowball launcher
you get them by shooting hot air balloons with tv in them, and they will randomize through a code. when it stops for a few seconds that it your code. if the tv is black it is worth 2 gifts. if it is gold, it is worth 10. if you feel like your shooting the air balloon but the tv is not falling, remember you have to shoot the tv. and that is very hard
the codes are generated on the clock like things you see floating around
How to get a golden sleigh code
bro you need to get gifts
The items do not have their own code. You have to shoot the air balloons down and then a tv will fall, it will show rapid numbers but sometimes it stops, that is your code. Enter the code at the arcade machine in the lobby and you will get presents (2 for black screen 10 for gold screen). Once you get 999 presents you will get the Golden Shark.
The codes are not unique to you. But they are unique to each match. In the matches that I played, anyone that found a code posted it in the chat, so we could all exchange the code. I personally entered codes posted by other players in the match, and it did give me the presents for each of the codes. But once the next match started, the codes from the previous match no longer worked. I have had the best luck farming presents using this method. For the most part, if you are polite and ask nicely, the shark will leave the group alone so you can get the codes and share them with the shark as well as the group.