Share Naraka Bladepoint Invite Code, Anniversary Reservation Gift
If you want to share your Naraka Bladepoint Invitation Code and recruit new players, here’s how to do it. Naraka Bladepoint officially went free-to-play on July 14th, 2023. And to celebrate the occasion, the developers are setting up various in-game events this summer. One such limited-time event is called “Anniversary Reservation Gift”. Read on as we explain all you need to know.

Naraka Bladepoint Invite Code Share for Anniversary Reservation Gift
Naraka Bladepoint is now available on the PS5, alongside Xbox Series X/S, Steam, Epic Games, and Xbox One. On top of that, two years after its release, the game is now a free-to-play title, which has resulted in almost 200 000 players playing the game on Steam on the first night of F2P. As we can see, there are definitely a lot of potential new players interested in trying out the melee battle royale game. To celebrate the occasion and to promote the game, the developers have prepared a new event called “Anniversary Reservation Gift“. During this event, all current players can recruit new potential players by inviting them to the game via their unique code. Here are some of the event rules. Firstly, to whom can you send these codes?
- New players: Players who have not created a formal game character before July 5, 2023 at 19:00 (PST)
- Existing players: Players who have created a formal game character before July 5, 2023 at 19:00 (PST)
- To receive rewards, new and existing players must log in to the game between July 13, 2023, and August 9, 2023, 11:59 (PST).
However, keep in mind that trial characters are not considered as formal characters. Group Formation Gift is available for players who fill out someone else’s valid invitation code. Next, they need to complete the “Reservation/Group Formation”. However, this must be done between July 5th, 2023 at 19:00 (PST) and August 9th, 2023 at 11:59 (PST). Finally, if you are an existing player and you want to share your Naraka Bladepoint Invitation Code, write it down in the comments section!
MY CODE ch7tyewqxr
Invite code is DCK2U8. excellent.
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is now free! Enter my invitation code: DC2TQX, and reserve for the 2nd anniversary gift!
my code NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is now free! Enter my invitation code: DDA5MQ, and reserve for the 2nd anniversary gift!
Code for PS5 invite: chfqhp6qar
Enter my invitation code: DC8UTE!!!! thank you
Enter my invitation code: DCWMQD
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is now free! Enter my invitation code: DCYGV7, and reserve for the 2nd anniversary gift!
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is now free! Enter my invitation code: DDERPX, and reserve for the 2nd anniversary gift
My code is DCYCFK . Would be really happy if you use it ♡(ŐωŐ人)
DD5GBC holds exclusive gifts! Don’t miss out!!
Enter my invitation code: DCWMQD, and reserve for the 2nd anniversary gift!
Enter my invitation code: DCUXJV
My code is: DCYAK5
My invite code is DC6PNV and my tourchbearer code is chjad3cqxp I’m on ps5, been hooked on on this game for the past few days and I’m loving it.
НАРАКА: BLADEPOINT теперь бесплатна! Введите мой пригласительный код: DCS2RG и забронируйте подарок на вторую годовщину!
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is now free! Enter my invitation code: DCSCYF, and reserve for the 2nd anniversary gift!
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is now free! Enter my invitation code: DC7QVF, and reserve for the 2nd anniversary gift!
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is now free! Enter my invitation code: DCWVSY, and reserve for the 2nd anniversary gift!
DC6468 is My invite code use for a ton of freebies
Enter my invitation code: DCMDAG, and reserve for the 2nd anniversary gift!
My Code is DCVEU9
Use my code: DC7T3F, and reserve for the 2nd anniversary gift!
Here is a PS5 torchbearer code that’ll give both of us cool freebies if anyone would like to use it.
Code: chcnqe4tp8
Ty :*
Usa el código de invitación DD5VHV en la página web para llevarte buenas recompensas junto conmigo ??
If you want free Naraka loot input code DCSTCU as well as code
chccwprrcj for double the free loot let’s grind together!
My Invitation code is – DCVVMQ -(Must be all caps)
Enter my invitation code: DCU5EX, and reserve for the 2nd anniversary gift!
DCTGQS is My invite code use for a ton of freebies