Return To Moria Resin Locations
If you are wondering how to get Resin in Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria, we’ve got you covered! Return To Moria is the latest game to be set in Middle Earth. However, this time around, we have a rather unique twist. Instead of an epic adventure or some strategy game, Return To Moria focuses on dwarfs and their ability to survive and craft stuff in the depths of Moria. In this guide, we explain where to find Resin in Return To Moria.

How to Get Resin in Return To Moria
Being a crafting and survival game, one of the first things you will do in Return to Moria is resource collection. After all, you can not make things if you don’t have materials. And while some resources are rather easy to find, there are some that may cause some trouble to players. Specifically, many players who are just starting to play are not sure where to find Resin in Return to Moria. You’ll quickly learn that Resin is an essential crafting material in the game. However, it is also one that’s very hard to find.
This is where we need to have an important disclaimer. The core part of Return To Moria’s gameplay loop is procedural generation. That is, the game doesn’t have one fixed layout. Rather, each playthrough will offer variations in terms of cave layouts, resource availability, etc. Hence, we can not provide you with the exact locations where you can find Resin in Return to Moria. However, what we can do is point you in the right direction. Firstly, you will need to complete the first area of the game – The Western Halls. From there, you will progress deeper into the mines. Consequently, more and more different materials will start appearing. Resin in this game is a type of an ore. Hence, you will need a pickaxe in order to mine it. You will easily recognize Resin as red, almost lava-like bright nuggets, standing out on the walls of caves. Once you see it, simply use your pickaxe and start mining it.