How to Ping & Mark Enemies in Battlefield 2042
Knowing how to ping and mark enemies in Battlefield 2042 is a very important mechanic to master, especially in mass battles with 168 people participating. It lets you notify teammates of where hostile combatants are; you don’t need me to tell you why that’s useful. However, marking and pinging enemies is not the same thing in this game, and the former is definitely more useful than the latter. In our How to Ping & Mark Enemies in Battlefield 2042 guide, we’ll explain the difference between these mechanics and how they work.

How to Ping Enemies in Battlefield 2042
To ping enemies in Battlefield 2042, you need to press and hold Q on PC, R1 on PlayStation, and RB on Xbox, then pick one of the available commands. This is not the same as marking enemies, as we’ll explain below. You will mark the point you’re aiming at. Pinging enemies is basically just telling your teammates where you saw an opposing combatant. That’s useful to warn them of snipers and campers, but if they’re on the move, it doesn’t really work. Of course, you can also use pinging to mark objectives or issue orders and the like. It’s a very useful mechanic, obviously, but not ideal for making enemies visible to your team. That brings us to our next point.
How to Mark Enemies in Battlefield 2042
To mark enemies in Battlefield 2042 (not the same as ping), you need to have the right operators with the right special recon skills. For example, Boris has the sentry gun which marks enemies in red and then fires at them. Paik has an ability that reveals enemies behind cover. Rao can hack enemy troops, which then reveal nearby hostile players when downed. Last and absolutely not least, Casper can send up a drone which marks enemies that get within its range, not just for you, but also nearby teammates. As an added bonus, the drone has a sensor that will alert you to hostiles in your area.