Phasmophobia Ascension Update Patch Notes
If you want to read through the Phasmophobia Ascension update patch notes, you are not alone. The developers are planning a major overhaul of pretty much the whole thing. Of course you want to stay abreast of all the changes so that you can play properly. In this guide, we are going to share everything we know about the patch notes for the upcoming update. Here we go!

Phasmophobia Ascension Update Patch Notes 2023
While the full patch notes for the 2023 Phasmophobia Ascension update have not yet been revealed, the developers have listed some of the things they’re planning on their Trello. We’ve written them all down below, and we’ll update the list with more info once it becomes available. Reminder: the Ascension update will begin on Thursday, August 17th at 10 AM UTC.
- Leveling Rework
- Leveling will be completely reworked, with additional XP needed to reach higher levels
- Once at the level cap, you will have the option to reset your rank in favour of gaining a visual addition to your account (not decided as of yet)
- Old save file conversion will be removed
- Equipment Rework
- All equipment will have new visuals
- Most of the equipment is being rebalanced
- Most equipment will be upgradeable, adding new gameplay features and visuals
- Upgrades will only cost money to unlock, each “level” of equipment will cost the same (this means you can still use level 1 camera if you prefer the challenge or visuals)
- Some equipment will become consumable (similar to sanity pills), upgrades increase “uses” so you have to buy them less (matches > cheap lighter > Zippo)
- 1 new equipment item will now be used to find extra physical evidence for extra rewards
- Objectives Rework
- Optional objectives will be reworked to be more interesting, with varying rewards
- Money / Reward rework
- No one should risk their life for $10
- All money and rewards will be updated to accomodate for the new equipment reworks
- Finding the ghost type will reward the most money as it takes the longest
- More dangerous optional objectives will reward more money / XP