Pet Simulator X April Fools 2023
April Fool’s 2023 is almost here! Since this is a beloved holiday worldwide, plenty of computer games also want to get in on the fun. Naturally, Pet Sim X is one of these titles. So what can we expect to see in Pet Simulator X this April Fools 2023? If previous April Fool’s are anything to go by, then a lot of fun is sure to be had by all players. We are going to see what April Fools 2023 has in store in PSX this time.

Pet Sim X April Fools Event 2023
So, while we are not yet certain what April Fool’s 2023 is going to be like, there are several things that we can guess going by the events from previous years. First, let’s see when we can expect the update. As Pet Simulator X is updated every Saturday, and this April 1st, 2023 is going to fall on a Saturday, it’s only fitting that the April Fool’s event is going to start then. It is then most likely going to end the following day, on Sunday, April 2nd, 2023.
Now, let’s get into the contents of the event itself. An “April Fool’s Chest” has been leaked. While we can only speculate as to what it is, this chest is almost certainly involved somehow – either as an Achievement or as part of a quest. Possibly both. Also, a new pet is likewise presumably going to be added with this event. Last year it was the Hippomelon, so a new Exclusive pet such as this is very probable. All in all, while we can’t say for sure what’s in store this year, one thing is certain – it’s going to bring a smile (maybe even a laugh) to everyone’s faces. We are going to update this guide as soon as more information becomes available.