Persona 5 Strikers Trapped in Dystopia

Trapped in a Dystopia is one of the requests, or side missions, that you can complete in Persona 5. This particular one requires you to find the Forgotten Desire item for Mona. The game gives you a hint or two as to where you’re supposed to look, but no more than that. So, some of you might be wondering where to find the Forgotten Desire, and how to complete the Trapped in a Dystopia request. We’ll answer both of these questions in our Persona 5 Strikers Trapped in Dystopia guide.

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persona 5 strikers trapped in dystopia
Persona 5 Strikers Trapped in Dystopia

How to Complete Trapped in Dystopia in Persona 5 Strikers – Where to Find Forgotten Desire Location

To complete the Persona 5 Strikers Trapped in a Dystopia request and find the Forgotten Desire location, go into the Osaka Jail. Specifically, you need to start from the Shipping Railway Area checkpoint and navigate to the center of the map. You can get there by heading south along the electrical line, then going west, and then north in the direction of the energy pods in the middle of the area. You can see the exact location in the screenshot below.

Anyways, once you find yourself in the middle of the area, look around using your Third Eye. You’ll spot several light-blue points on the wall. Use these and your Phantom Dash to climb to the top of the cargo containers. You might have to use one of the platforms on the ground to be able to reach, but not necessarily. Anyway, you’ll find the Forgotten Desire on top of the containers. It looks like a small, floating, rotating cage, like all other such pickups; you can’t miss it, honestly.

trapped in dystopia persona 5 strikers forgotten desire location
Forgotten Desire location

So, that’s how you complete the Trapped in a Dystopia Persona 5 Strikers request and find the Forgotten Desire. If you need further help with the game, we’ve got a number of other guides for you to check out. For example, we’ve got Lavenza Requests, Prison Mail Part 4, and several more. We think you might find them useful.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.