Payday 3 Rock the Cradle, Can't Show Invitation to Bouncer Bug
There are many missions for players to undertake in Payday 3. One such mission is Rock the Cradle. During this mission, one of the objectives will require you to enter the VIP Area. And to do this, you’ll have to first Authenticate the VIP Invitations, and to then Show Intivation to the Bouncer. But this is where problems can arise. Namely, when you walk up to the door, nothing will happen, even though you have the VIP Invitations and the Bouncer should let you in. So is there anything that you can do to somehow fix this Payday 3 Rock the Cradle, Can’t Show Invitation to Bouncer bug? There is, and we are going to explain what that method is right here.

How to Fix Payday 3 Rock the Cradle Bug, Can’t Show Invitation to Bouncer
So while your first instinct here might be to simply restart the heist, this isn’t the solution. If you do this, you will only experience this bug over and over. No, the solution here is to exit the game altogether and to then restart it and attempt the mission again. Hopefully, this should do the trick and you will be able to show the Invitation to the Bouncer now and proceed with the mission as intended.
Though, note that there is an achievement that you can only get if you don’t go for this option. It’s called the Party Crasher trophy, and you can only get it if you have completed Rock the Cradle without having the VIP Invitation in stealth on Hard or above difficulties. In any case, the devs are no doubt already aware of this bug. This means that we can hopefully expect it to be fixed in the near future, in an upcoming patch or hotfix.