Party Animals Down? Party Animals Server Status & Maintenance
Are Party Animals servers down currently? Party Animals, the heavily-anticipated Fall Guys-inspired party game, has finally arrived! If you plan on playing online, you know that a constant connection with the servers is imperative. In this guide, we will regularly inform you about the latest Party Animals server status, maintenance schedule, current outages, and planned downtime.

UPDATE: On Monday, October 2nd, at around 8:30 am CCEST / 7:30 am BST / 2:30 am EDT / 11:30 pm PDT, players are reporting various issues with Party Animals servers. It seems that Party Animals servers are currently down. We will update the article once we have more information about the situation.
Are Party Animals Servers Down Right Now?
Party Animals servers are set to go live on September 20th, at 2 pm CEST / 1 pm BST / 8 am EDT / 5 am PDT. Prior to this time, they will not be available. Once the servers launch, we will regularly update the article with the latest information regarding server status and other issues. For now, there don’t seem to be any issues.
However, the servers can go down for myriad reasons. For example, a gigantic inflow of players trying to play the game at once might overload the servers, causing them to crash. A DDoS attack or other nefarious activities might bring them down as well. Things like regular updates and maintenance usually also require servers to go offline for some time. Whatever the case, we will make sure to regularly and promptly update the article with the latest information regarding the Party Animals server status.
How to Check Party Animals Server Status
The quickest and fastest way to stay informed about Party Animals server status is via the official Twitter page of the game. There, the developers will regularly share details regarding server outages, planned updates, and maintenance schedules. Furthermore, the Discord sever is another place we recommend. Finally, you can always come back here. We will strive to regularly and promptly update the article with all the latest information if Party Animals is down currently. This includes server status, outages, and other connection issues.