Palworld Sound Not Working, Compressed Audio Issues Xbox
In our Palworld Sound Not Working, Compressed Audio Issues Xbox guide, we are going to discuss the massive sound problems the game has on console. There’s nothing wrong with the PC version, but the audio quality on Xbox is downright disastrous. So much so that people are finding it unplayable. Is there anything you can do about it, or will you have to wait for the developers? Let’s find out.

Palworld Sound Not Working Properly, Audio Issues on Xbox
At time of writing, there is now known fix for the audio issues, aka the bug where sound is not working properly in Palworld on Xbox. You can try downloading the game again and messing with the audio settings, but so far, nobody has been able to make it work. And this is only happening on consoles, as far as we know. We’ve been playing on Steam and have experienced precisely zero problems with sound. We’ve encountered other bugs, including black screens, but nothing related to audio. If you’ve found a solution for this problem, please share it with everyone in the comments below. As it stands, you’ll have to wait for the developers to fix it in a future patch.
So, yeah; that’s all we know about the bug where the sound is not working properly in Palworld on Xbox and audio issues are abound. As I understand it, the game sounds garbled and muffled. As one Reddit post describes it: “It sounds like an iPod in gravel it’s so low quality.” Then again, it is early access days. Some issues are to be expected. Granted, such a serious issue with audio should have been caught well before Palworld ever saw the light of day, but it is what it is. If you’re really that keen to play, I’d recommend switching to PC for the time being. That, unfortunately, is the only real solution we have for you right now.