Palword Achievements Not Working or Unlocking Explained
Why are achievements not working in Palworld in Steam? After months of anticipation, Palword early access is now officially live on Steam, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and Game Pass. And while the game is available for “free” on Xbox Game Pass, there are still hundreds of thousands of players playing the game on Steam. And they have noticed that Palword achievements are not unlocking. Why are they not counting and is there something you can do to fix this? Here’s what we know.

Why Are Palword Achievements Not Working on Steam?
If you are an avid Steam gamer, you probably appreciate Steam’s Achievements feature. It’s always so nice when that little “Achievement Unlocked” message pops up while you are playing, especially if it’s something rare and obscure. And that’s why many Palworld players were annoyed to see that their Palword Steam achievements are not working. “Playing on Steam. I got the first achievement unlocked in a single-player game (Catch One Pal),” says Steam user KrazySpike. “But none of the other achievements are unlocking for me. I’m somewhere between 15 and 20 Pals caught, but the “Catch 10 Pals” achievement has not been unlocked.” Furthermore, other players report similar issues.
So, what’s happening here? Why are your Palword Achievements not working? To the best of our knowledge, based on what players share on Steam forums and Reddit, it seems this has to do with playing multiplayer. Namely, it seems that Palword achievements will not unlock if you are playing on a dedicated private server for up to 32 players. Currently, we can not confirm if this is a bug or an indented feature. However, if it’s intended, it probably has to do with the fact that the developers can not control what you are doing on private servers. Hence, they have probably turned off Palword Steam achievements on dedicated servers. For now, that’s all we currently know. Nevertheless, we will make sure to update the article as soon as we have more details.