Guides ARCHIVE - Page 193
Maneater Stuck At Level 20 Adult
Maneater has a curious progression system, in which you accrue levels in order to advance in age, but sometimes have to fulfill other conditions as…
Maneater Muskie Business Hunted Muskellunge Location
Muskie Business in Maneater is one of the quests that you have to complete, and it requires you to hunt and kill the Hunted Muskellunge…
Maneater Infamy Rank & Threat Level – How To Increase
Infamy rank & threat level are two ways Maneater tracks your progress through the game. They’re tied together, although you’ll have to do different things…
Maneater Shark Levels – Teen, Adult, Elder, Mega
Teen, adult, elder, mega shark levels in Maneater are the different ages that you can unlock when you reach the appropriate level. Every Maneater Shark…
Sapphire Bay Collectible Locations – Nutrient Caches, Landmarks
Sapphire Bay collectibles in Maneater include the likes of nutrient Caches, Landmarks, and Licence Plates. Finding all of them is important for the sake of…
Fawtick Bayou Collectible Locations – Landmarks, Nutrient Caches
Fawtick Bayou is one of the areas in Maneater. It’s a swampy area with 37 collectibles in it – ten landmarks, ten licence places and…
Maneater Release Times – When Does It Launch
Maneater is coming out today, and lots of people are anxious to start chomping down on smaller fish, fishermen’s legs, flimsy wooden boats and more….
Maneater How Long To Beat
Maneater is a game about being a shark and doing shark things: eating fish, eating people, eating other sharks – you get the idea. It’s…
Terraria New Weapons – Zenith Sword & Celebration MK 2
New weapons have been added to Terraria with the Journey’s End update. It’s meant to be the game’s final update, and the developers have added…
Terraria Terraspark Boots – Where to Find Best Boots in Journey’s End
Terraspark Boots in Terraria are new boots that have been added with the Journey’s End update. These are, no doubt, the best boots in Terraria….
Terraria New Vanity Items – Vanity Contest Winner Sets
There was recently a vanity item contest in the Terraria forums. A bunch of people designed vanity item sets, and the rest of the community…
Terraria Won’t Launch Error – White Screen Crash
Terraria recently got updated for the final time, with a massive patch that adds a bunch of new stuff, fixes some standing issues and introduces…
Terraria Lava Charm – Where to Find
The Lava Charm in Terraria is a very valuable item that grants you immunity to lava, and is an important crafting ingredients for items such…
How to Play Gears Tactics for $1
Gears Tactics is a turn-based tactics game set in the Gears of War universe. It was released recently, and a set of lucky circumstances means…
Tarkov Best PostFX Settings in 12.5 Patch – Nvidia Filters & PvP Visibility
Patch 0.12.5 for Escape From Tarkov brought PostFX settings into the game. It’s a new tab in the options menu that allows you to finely…
Tarkov Error 260, Launcher Backend, Leaving The Game
Escape From Tarkov has been updated to version 0.12.6 recently, and the patch cause quite a commotion. The new additions and improvements were shoved out…
Interchange Saferoom Exfil Close The Door puzzle | Escape from Tarkov 12.4
With Escape from Tarkov patch 12.4 Interchange map got much needed new extraction points and Saferoom is one of them. To not make things simple…
Tarkov Hole in Fence, Saferoom, Scav Camp Interchange 12.4 new extract locations map
New extract locations have been added to Interchange map in Escape from Tarkov with patch 12.4. They are called Hole in Fence, Saferoom and Scav…
Rare Qualities in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX Rare Qualities are special passive abilities that your Pokemon can have in the game, and which work on the…
Wonder Mail Codes & Rewards in Pokemon Rescue Team DX
Wonder Mail Codes in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX are special cheat codes that you can enter in the game’s menu. The rewards of…