Guides ARCHIVE - Page 185

how to get emotes in outriders

How to Get Emotes in Outriders

Outriders emotes and how to get them has been one of many subjects of discussion among the impatient player base. After all, in games like…

outriders turn off motion blur

Outriders Turn Off Motion Blur

Motion blur is one of the postprocessing effects in Outriders. Many players don’t enjoy it, so it’s one of the firs things to go during…

outriders cross save

Outriders Cross Save

Cross save in Outriders has been the subject of discussion among interested gamers who are planning to play on more than one platform; they want…

persona 5 strikers lavenza requests

Persona 5 Strikers Lavenza Requests

Lavenza requests are special side missions in Persona 5 Strikers. They’re quests you get from the Velvet Room attendant, and there’s nine of them in…

persona 5 strikers best bond skills

Persona 5 Strikers Best Bond Skills

Best bond skills in Persona 5 Strikers somewhat depend on your preferred play style, but some of them can benefit all players. Some of them…

persona 5 strikers trophies not showing

Persona 5 Strikers Trophies Not Showing

Trophies not showing in Persona 5 Strikers is an issue that a number of players have been encountering. Specifically, people that have been playing the…

cod cold war zombies partially installed

COD Cold War Zombies Partially Installed

The “partially installed” bug in COD Cold War Zombies is a glitch that has affected mostly Xbox players, preventing them from accessing the new Firebase…

final fantasy xiv cerberus mount

Final Fantasy XIV Cerberus Mount

Cerberus Mount in Final Fantasy XIV is a new mount that you can earn by completing the newly-added content in Update 5.45. Specifically, you have…