Guides ARCHIVE - Page 183

is outriders on game pass

Is Outriders on Game Pass

Outriders is launching today, and some people are wondering whether they can play it on the Xbox Pass. The reason this question keeps cropping up…

outriders release date & time

Outriders Release Date & Time

The launch date and time of Outriders are upon us, and, as a result, gamers are wondering when they can start playing the game. Understandable,…

how to update cookie run kingdom

How to Update Cookie Run Kingdom

Those of you that are having trouble figuring out how to update Cookie Run Kingdom, worry not; we’ve got you covered. The process is not…

magic legends ps4 open beta

Magic Legends PS4 Open Beta

Magic Legends is currently in open beta on select platforms, and naturally, people have questions. For example, where will I be able to play the…

warframe carmine penta location

Warframe Carmine Penta Location

Carmine Penta is a new grenade launcher in Warframe. It has been added to the game in an update a few days ago, and it…

warframe nautilus sentinel locations

Warframe Nautilus Sentinel Locations

Nautilus Sentinel is a new type of Sentinel in Warframe that you can get in the new update. It’s a pretty good Sentinel, too; it…

Brawlhalla Order of the Exalted Lion

Brawlhalla Order of the Exalted Lion

Win matches with Legends that were once members of the Order of the Exalted Lion is a weekly challenge in Brawlhalla. You need to win…

loop hero supply

Loop Hero Supply – Best Camp Items

Supplies are special items in Loop Hero. You can get them once you’ve built the Supply Depot in your camp, and they represent another branch…