Overwatch 2 Stuck on Playing Now, Not Launching Fix
In our Overwatch 2 Stuck on Playing Now, Not Launching Fix guide, we are going to give you a few potential solutions to this problem. This issue has been appearing intermittently for as long as the game has been around, and the developers have done nothing to solve it. Will they get to it at some point? I honestly doubt it. So, here’s what you can do about it.

How to Fix Overwatch 2 Stuck on Playing Now
Before we get to the different ways you might fix Overwatch 2 being stuck on Playing Now and not launching, you should know that this is an ongoing problem. You can see as much on the official forum. So, even though this issue pops up every now and again, Activision Blizzard have absolutely nothing about it. And I doubt that they ever will, so you’re left to your own devices. That being the case, the first thing you should try is to update all of your drivers and your OS to remove any compatibility issues. Another potential solution is to disable any anti-viruses or firewalls that you might have running, or at least add Overwatch 2 to their respective whitelists.
The next thing you should try to fix the bug where Overwatch is stuck on Playing Now and is refusing to launch is to run the BAttle.net repair tool. Open the launcher and select Overwatch 2 in your library. Do not hit the Play button; rather, click Settings. Hit Scan and Repair and confirm when prompted. Begin the scan, wait for it to finish, and hit Update when it’s done. And while you’re at it, in the same Settings menu, click Reset In-Game Options and confirm your choice. One of these steps should finally get you into the game. If you know of another workaround that we haven’t mentioned, let us know in the comments. And contact Blizzard’s support regardless.