Omniheroes Tier List 2023

Omniheroes is a brand new mobile game. In this casual fantasy RPG, you are going to need to get the best possible characters if you really want to make the most out of it. And considering that Omniheroes features gacha elements, this is easier said than done. So which characters should you try and aim for? Well, to make this easier for you, we have ranked all of the ones that are currently in the game in this Omniheroes Tier List 2023.

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Omniheroes Tier List 2023
Omniheroes Tier List 2023

Omniheroes Tier List of Best Characters

There are several dozen characters in Omniheroes. It can be very hard to know which ones are the best at what they do, and which ones are merely okay. You either have to play for a long time, trying to figure that out yourselves, or – you can leave it to us. Now, before the rankings, there are several things that we need to point out here. First of all, the game has only been out for a short while. So there is always the chance that things conerning balance are going to change in the upcoming weeks and months. Also, new characters are also likely to be added in the future, further affecting these rankings. Finally – if you disagree with any of these rankings for whatever reason, feel free to tell us why that is down in the comments. And now, let’s finally see the tier list itself:

  • S Tier: Bastet, Dorabella, Eluler, Persephone, Victoria, Solomon, Nyx, Salleine, Baal, and Mastema.
  • A Tier: Lily and Lia, Brutus, Carola, Medusa, Doris, Talanis, Björn, Stannard, Talos, Ellie, Emily, Osse, Merlin, Merida, Atropos, and Athena.
  • B Tier: Minotaur, Elune, Themis Percival, Franz, Dullahan, Aiushtha, Atalanta, Marina, Macaria, Karnak, Lachesis, Sylvan, and Catrina.
  • C Tier: Arkdina, Albert, Diana, Hallios, Bojji, Yasuke, Clotho, and Guinn.
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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.