Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds Stuck on Loading Screen Fix
The Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds stuck on loading screen fix is something you might need at one point or another. The issue has cropped up for a number of players already, and it’s always extremely annoying. Fortunately, there is a fix for the loading bug, even if it is rather inelegant. So, here’s what you need to do, to the best of our knowledge.

How to Fix Stuck on Loading Screen in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds
To fix the issue or bug where Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds gets stuck on the loading screen, you might have to redownload and reinstall the whole thing. This seems to have helped a number of players, so there’s a good chance that it will work for you, too. That is the only option that we know off; if you know of a more elegant solution, let us and everyone else know in the comments below. By the way, you’ll know that you’ve encountered the bug if, in the first screen, you don’t see the characters sitting around the stump and having a tea party. Instead, it’s going to be eerily empty, like in the image below. It really is subtly unsettling, which makes the whole thing even more annoying somehow.

So, that’s basically all we know about Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds being stuck on the loading screen and how to fix the bug. Again, we’re looking for a better system, too; if you have one, let us know. And don’t forget to contact support and let the developers know about the issue. Just, you know, be civilized and don’t harass them. I can’t believe I have to say this, but it seems that I definitely do. Anyway, one thing I’d like to add is that nobody’s entirely sure why this error crops up. The working theory is that the servers are struggling to house the onslaught of players so close to launch day. If that is the case, then the problem might eventually go away on its own.
I installed nino kuni in my deskptop, windows 7 , m82 lenovo 8gb ram and 250gb HDD.
After I fully installed the application the launcher doe not launch after click the play button. Please help.