NBA 2K22 Best Playmaking Badges
NBA 2K22 has upped the number of badges from its previous iteration, giving you some of the best playmaking badges ever to feature. Old favorites have returned along with new badges and concepts. However, you do need to choose carefully. All of them should complement and reflect your personal play style. Read on as we discuss the best playmaking badges in NBA 2k22.

Handles for Days
Despite a glut of new dribbling badges, stalwart Handles for Days remains one of the best playmaking attributes. It helps you with your stamina usage, letting you use less when performing dribble moves. If you want to do more than one dribble move without your player becoming fatigued, you have to hold this badge. Combined with other dribble moves, it can be lethal.
Quick First Step
Quick First Step grants you the ability to get speed boosts from a standing position. This can be used after a triple threat or a size up, making them more effective. By pushing it to HOF, you will notice a huge increase in player speed.
Bail Out
Bail Out is another returning badge. It remains one of the most effective playmaking badges in the game. You will find an increase in the chances of making successful passes while in the air. This is important, as dribbling has had a huge increase in the new 2k22 game. Opinion divides on what level it should be at, with bronze the lowest level for it to be effective. Pushing it to silver or gold will make it much more useful but again, this all depends on your playstyle.
Bullet Passer
One of the brand new badges for 2k22 is Bullet Passer. This boosts the pass, making its execution and velocity quicker. It is great for lining teammates up for open shots. While the badge does not make drastic changes, even at the bronze level it can prevent the opposition from stealing the ball.
Quick Chain
Another returning badge, Quick Chain is now more important than ever. It makes the ability to chain dribble moves together much easier. Combine it with Hyperdrive or Handles for Days for a killer combo.