Mortal Kombat 11 Krypt Noob Saibot Mask Location
The Noob Saibot mask in Mortal Kombat 11 is a cosmetic item you can find for Noob Saibot in the MK11 Krypt. It’s the classic, default Noob Saibot Mask, which is not available in Mortal Kombat 11 from the get-go. So, many players that might be maining Noob Saibot (aka everybody in the AI battles) might want to get their hands on this MK11 Noob Saibot mask. Well, our Mortal Kombat 11 Krypt Noob Saibot Mask Location guide is going to show you exactly where to find the default, “classic” Noob Saibot mask in the MK11 Krypt, as well as how to open the Scorpion Chest it’s in.

Where to Find Default Noob Saibot Mask in MK11 Krypt?
To find the default Noob Saibot mask, simply called Noob Saibot, in the MK11 Krypt, you’ll have to go down to the Lower Pit, near Ermac’s corpse. It’s one of the Scorpion / Fire chests. The chest’s exact coordinates are -8371, -3312 in the Lower Pit. However, as is the case with all Flaming Chests or however you want to call them, you first have to destroy a Flaming Skull in order to open it. It’s hanging off of the furthest spiked pillar on the left, as shown in the screenshots below. The best vantage point for that is -8030, -823.
After you destroy the skull, double-back to the chest and open it. In order to open the chest after crushing the skull, you’ll have to pay 100 Hearts. And, it’s well-worth the “money”. The chest is fairly bountiful, even beyond just the Noob Saibot mask. Inside it, we also found a Scorpion Skin (Forest Kamouflage), a Scorpion Ninja Mask (Look of Fiery Reckoning), a Sub-Zero Ninja Mask (Endless Winter), 200 Time Krystals, and a Cracked Lin Kuei Bombshell Forge Item. So, yeah, definitely open that one. Well, that goes for all the Heart Chests, really, given that they drop fixed loot.
In case you need further help with Mortal Kombat 11, feel free to browse our other MK11 guides. Among may others, we have Reptile Locations – Mortal Kombat 11 Hidden Krypt Spawns and, more appropriate to the theme here, Heart Chest Loot & Locations – Mortal Kombat 11 Krypt.