Mortal Kombat 11 How to Use Taunts
End of Round Taunts in MK11 are a new cosmetic “item” that you can unlock. It lets you choose between different taunts in between rounds that your character executes. MK11 End of Round Taunts are a new thing in the series, so people have been wondering just how to use taunts in Mortal Kombat 11. With that in mind, here’s our Mortal Kombat 11 How to Use Taunts to explain how End of Round Taunts work in MK11, how to equip them, and so on.

How to Equip & Use Taunts in MK11?
To use the Taunts in MK11, you first have to unlock and equip them. To equip a End of Round Taunt in MK11, go into the Kosmetics tab of your character screen, and look in the bottom right of the menu, in the Finishers section. After you’ve equipped the taunt you want, that’s it. That’s all you have to do. It’s a kind of set-it-and-forget-it kinda thing. You don’t have to execute a button combination. The only character that has taunts on command is Shao Kahn, just like always.
Basically, the End of Round taunts are the little smack-talk sessions that your character will perform, well, in between rounds, if you’re victorious. Really, all these are is a little extra bit of flair and panache for your character. This is all in concord with Mortal Kombat 11 putting an even stronger emphasis on character customization, which I can only read as “monetization opportunities”. But, regardless, many players will embrace these Kosmetics gladly, I’m sure. I, for one, am kinda annoyed with the sheer amounts of skins that end up being a rudimentary palette-swap, but that’s just personal taste, I suppose.
So, that’s how Taunts work in Mortal Kombat 11. If you need further help with the game, check out some our other guides. Among others, we’ve got Gem of Living Location – How to Open Meteorite, Team Battle Mode – How to Unlock Teamwork Trophy, and Mortal Kombat 11 Fatal Blows – How to Do.
nobody cares about your opinion on the reskins
Seriously though.
This post is a straight up lie, you don’t set them at all, you unlock them and they are randomly selected at the end of each winning round.
What do you press to make shao Kahn taunt on command
The only character that has taunts on command is Shao Kahn.
How do u select there is no select u just hover over it