Mortal Kombat 11 Fatal Blows - How to Do
Fatal Blows are a new type of attack / combat mechanic in Mortal Kombat 11. The Mortal Kombat 11 Fatal Blows are a substitute for the X-Ray moves from the previous games. However, there are some significant differences between X-Ray moves and Fatal Blows, which fundamentally changes how you’re going to use them. And, of course, people are wondering how to do MK11 Fatal Blows, and how they work. With that in mind, here’s our Mortal Kombat 11 Fatal Blows – How to Do guide to explain how Fatal Blows work in MK11, how to perform them, etc.

How to Do Fatal Blows in Mortal Kombat 11?
To do Fatal Blows in Mortal Kombat 11, you have hit the two trigger buttons on the controller. So, R2 + L2 on PlayStation 4, and Right Trigger + Left Trigger on Xbox, and whatever the equivalent is on your platform. So, that part is pretty much exactly the same as the X-Ray moves worked in Mortal Kombat X. Well, that’s where the similarities stop, I’m afraid. The Fatal Blows have significant differences compared to X-Ray moves, which is going to make using them more of a strategic decision.
If you take a good lock at your health bar, you’ll notice that about the last third is wider. When your health is down to that part of the meter, you can use the Fatal Blow to turn the tides. So, there is no meter on the bottom of the screen that slowly fills. Instead, the Fatal Blow is more of a Hail-Mary kind of thing to save your ass from impending death. That said, there’s also one more difference from the X-Ray moves, and this is where things get hairy – you can only use one Fatal Blow per match. So, that means that using it sparingly is going to be pivotal to your chances of success. And make sure they connect.
If you need further help with Mortal Kombat 11, check out our other guides on the subject, such as Mortal Kombat 11 Shao Kahn – How to Unlock and Mortal Kombat 11 Frost How to Unlock.